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For Grandma

It's finished just in time for my March exhibit!

The goal of this painting is to capture the feeling of having to continue with everyday mundane activities in a time when you feel permanently altered by an event such as the death of a family or friend. For me, the lines represent anxiety, shock, and fuzziness within that moment. This 4 x 5 foot (currently untitled) painting is a self-portrait of me doing laundry following the recent passing of my Grandma, whom I loved on a level all on its own.

If my Grandma could see this she would say 'Shit Car! That looks like it took a long time' and 'I like the colours'.

This is for my Grandma who continued doing the mundane chores of her life throughout incomprehensible, life-altering, and tragic events, while maintaining a heart of gold through it all.

I am inspired to continue on through life past the obstacles and hardships as she has done.

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