Realism + Abstract = Neat
I love painting realism, and I enjoy the emotions in abstract. I'm constantly going back and forth between the two. So why the heck not just combine them into one painting?
I did this once before with 'Gull on the Rocks' - but the stiff lines in the background (I was still using tape then), didn't give off a nice flowing feeling like I would have liked.
So, I tried again. I almost quit SO many times while painting this piece. Doubting, doubting, doubting. Thinking it looks weird, no one will like it, wondering if I even liked it.
It started off with the goal of being completely realistic. But it was boring. And I wasn't going to waste a 40 dollar canvas on a boring painting that I will never hang anywhere. So I took the risk of making the background into my seemingly developing abstract style.
And I liked it. And so did the people following me on facebook. In fact, they're liking it about DOUBLE as much as the realistic turtle piece I just finished (which I do like, but it's not unique).
Anyway, I took a risk - and it worked out :)